
Bread Tags for Wheelchairs at Mt Barney Lodge

by | Mar 11, 2020 | News |

Looking for an easy New Year’s Resolution/habit? Why not get into the practice of transmutation – turning one item into another of useful value. Start saving your bread tags and motivate your families and friends to do so too.

Mt Barney Lodge is proud to announce it will now be a collection point for Collecting Recycled bread tags. We are one of dozens of locations who are providing this eco service. Other Collection points can be found here: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/embed?mid=1Aeu1rGpLfdMKiIWoyypcLNxycI-FK6oD&ll=-27.22829357917644%2C152.42001495468742&z=8

These handy little items are being collected and recycled to help buy wheelchairs for those in need, make doorknobs, bowls and even seedling trays.

Transmutation – Reuse, Reduce, Recycle are the local South Australian Recycling company producing amazing recycled products from these donated materials.  https://www.transmutation.com.au/ Check out some of their products here.

We also recently started collecting milk bottle tops to be recycled as mobility aids for children in need.

On your next camping trip or visit out to see us please bring along any bread tags or plastic bottle tops you may have collected with so we can work together     to keep them out of landfill!

What a great simple idea to start in the New Year.



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