
Hike more, worry less – how participation in outdoor activities can help mental fitness

by | Nov 14, 2021 | Uncategorized

As we attempt to maintain and improve our personal wellbeing, mental health should be a key focus. Most of us live cluttered lives in big cities, and this can create problems which are deep and confusing. We feel lonely, even though there are millions of people around. We feel anxious, even though much of our life is very safe. We feel bored, even though we have endless entertainment in the palm of our hand. We feel restless, even though our homes are perfectly comfortable.

In short, we are disconnected. Our reality is often not representative of our feelings. At Mt Barney Lodge, we believe we have the solution to help with your health and well-being …

Nature is the remedy for many of these ailments.

Don’t just take our word for it 😉

Research has proven that stress is relieved within minutes of exposure to nature as measured by muscle tension, blood pressure, and brain activity. Time outdoors in natural spaces also reduces your cortisol, which is a stress hormone. At the same time the feel-good hormones like endorphin levels and dopamine are boosted, which promotes happiness.

Through the wilderness, we can establish a greater connection with our world, our minds, and our loved ones. Through mindful interaction with nature, we can satisfy the deepest needs of our human minds. The bonus is that physical fitness also has a strong link with our mental wellbeing – win win!

Located at the foot of Mt Barney, on the edge of the World Heritage-listed Gondwana Rainforest, Mt Barney Lodge is the perfect venue to give your mind and body some well-needed attention. Come out to the Scenic Rim to disconnect from the internet and reconnect with everything that matters.

Our qualified outdoor guides can take you through one (or more) of our fantastic outdoor activities. Here’s a few ideas of what we have on offer and how they could help you engage in the outdoors with mindfulness:

Rock Climbing

Contrary to popular belief, rock climbing is not an “adrenalin sport”. True mastery on rock requires precision and calm, so in fact, rock climbing can be quite a meditative activity! Think of a successful ascent like a well-choreographed dance.

Mt Gillies Adventure Scramble

A low-slung but complex mountain, Mt Gillies features a complicated maze of rocky outcrops, pinnacles and caves. Engage your curiosity – make new discoveries in the various nooks and crannies, find beautiful sprays of wildflowers, listen to the birdsong. Adults will remember that sensation of child-like wonder, and kids will just do what they do best.

Mother Daughter Camp

Life is busy – take some time out to reconnect. This camp bring together girls 10-14 y.o. and their mums who have a desire to create shared memories with their daughter before they become older teens. Our Mother Daughter camp is a perfect opportunity to spend some pure one-on-one time and strengthen the bond of one of life’s most beautiful relationships. Our guides will make the camping experience easy and comfortable as well as take you through several bonding activities such as rock climbing.

Bush Kids

Care, creativity, mindfulness and connection with nature – this is what Bush Kids is all about! Using only natural materials found in the nearby bush, kids creatively build boats and race them down the crystal-clear waters of our beautiful flowing creek.

Mountain Fit

Build your physical fitness as well as your bush knowledge with a package of three hikes. Turning up to our monthly guided hikes creates accountability with a new circle of like-minded people who you will be sharing the journey with each time. Choose from Low, Medium and High Elevation Series, and each has 3 walks per level, each has unique challenges and a short informative bushcraft lesson. Feel your body and mind working in harmony as you strive to meet your fitness goals!


Immersing yourself in nature for a longer period of time is the best way to absorb the health benefits of the outdoors. The simplicity of bringing only what you can fit in a backpack or car boot, and disconnecting from the internet (thanks to Mt Barney we enjoy a signal-free zone11) allows you to look up and look out at the nature that surrounds you. Your sleep is also likely to improve when your day is shaped by the path sun – sleeping and waking up with natural sunlight can reset your circadian rhythm, which will help you feel refreshed after a better night’s sleep.

To have an impact on your mental health and well-being it can be as simple as just turning up and spending time with us at Mt Barney Lodge, and you will immediately be surrounded by the healing properties of nature without you even having to do anything further.

Or checkout the range of activities that we have suggested on our Adventure Activities Calendar – we offer these activities year-round and you are able to book online. Should you have an activity an/or a date in mind that you can’t see on our calendar, please get in touch with us as we are able to offer most activities when booked in advance when minimum numbers are arranged.

Come and stay with us and find out why nature really is the best medicine!



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